This page contains links to either websites that I find fascinating or to web-pages that helped with designing this web-page. All links will open
up in a new window, so no need to copy and paste in order to avoid navigating away from this page.
First, and foremost: Thanks to Web-Source for helping me with all my HTML needs in order to bring this site to where it is now. I highly recommend using
them if you intend on creating your own web-page or if you have general questions about html coding. They can give you full in depth details on how to
create your own webpage and design a unique look.
The cool burning text that you see was made possible by CoolText. I recommend using them as they offer different type of text styles, as well as
logos, buttons, and fonts.
The search engine on this website was provided by FreeFind, it's simple and easy to use. Best part is, it's FREE! Yes FREE! Another plus about FreeFind
is if you are constantly adding pages to your website, you can set up FreeFind to Spider your page certain days of the week, or you can have it Spider
whenever you add new pages, just simple go to their website and log-in and have them Spider again. You will receive an email confirmation when your page
has been Spidered.
This webpage is powered by AngelFire, they are a free web-host, and also provide web-hosting that you can pay for. Paying for it allows you have much more space, free is only 20MB, but 1GB Bandwidth per month. Also, when you pay you can create your own Error 404 page, sadly they didn't state this when I went to make one so, I have one made that is not being used, here is mine in case you are interested in taking a look My Error404. If you are looking for a web site that provides free web-page building and is easy to use whether you are advanced in HTML coding or just want a basic webpage, I highly recommend AngelFire.
The guestbook that you find on this website is powered by HTMLGear of Lycos. They offer other products other than GuestBooks. I definitely recommend checking them out. HTMLGear by Lycos
If you are looking for a free email client that provides you with a ton of space, I highly recommend GMail. They offer many features, including, Search within your email, Archiving of email, fully functional address book, etc. The best part about it, is they provide you with a huge amount of space, the amount of space increases everyday. The last I had seen it, it was at almost 7000MB of space, that's nearly 7GB of space. That's a lot! GMail
If you are into the skateboard scene or would just love some really cool looking art, created by my brother and some of his friends, even some by me, then please take a trip on over to their website. They are still a bit of a small business, but they have intentions of going far. Hopefully they will take some of my advice and spruce it up to make it look more organized. Sk82Live Skateboards